
Decentralized FaaS platform

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Simulation module

The simulator has been realized with the aim of creating an environment where to implement and test varios load balancing strategies.

An high-level overview of the simulation modules and their output is reported in the following image. This picture represent the UML Component Diagram of the simulator. In blu are highlighted main modules, and in yellow their output artifacts.


The simulation takes place in steps, also called simulation instants; each of them corresponds to a different situation or configuration that must be simulated in terms of traffic to be balanced.

Main components of simulation

The simulation is coordinated by the entry point of the applicarion, the simulation conrtoller, the uses other three main modules: the instance generator, the simulator and the analyzer.

Simulation controller

Acts as entry point of the application. It can receive as input a json file representing the instance to simulate (in this case skip the instance generation phase). His behaviour consist of 3 main phases:

1) Instance generation. Uses instance generator to generate json represenation of the instance to simulate. If an instance is passsed as CLI argument to simulation controller this phase is skipped. This phase is executed only one time. In this phase instance_generator.py is called.

Next phases are executed 5 times to simulate more times the same experiment and obtain more stable results.

2) Simulation. During this phase simulation.py is executed, and the json instance generated in the previous phase is executed.

3) Analyze. Output files produced by the simulation phase, with forwarded requests to each agent towards nearby nodes are analyzed by this componente and specified indexes used for comparison are calculated (like success rate, reject number, etc.). In this phase analyzer.py is executed.

At the end all five experiments are exported as a CSV file, with all indexes calculated for each load balancing strategy.

All artifacts produced by this process are gathered in a zip file as name the timestamp, under output directory.

Instance Generator

The script instance_generator.py can be also used independently by the simulation controller, and is used to generate the istance that needs to be simulated. This script take 3 CLI arguments:

The artifact produced by this element are: generated json instance and an image of corresponding network topology. Both this elements can be found in output/archive/[timestamp].zip output directory.


This element is concened to execute all steps of simulation, calculating load balancing weights of each agent towards other agents of the network, using different techniques, and calculating forwarding tables. In this phase is executed simulation.py script.

In the following picture a UML sequence diagram of simulator main operations is reported.


This component is the main part of the simulation package, and uses a various number of other components. In the following UML Class diagram the architecture of this main components.


Simulation uses data loader as service class to obtain data from the underlaying database. This component uses a ExpDbManager object to obtain data stored in experiments database. In this database are stored data gathered by experiments of DFaaS system, obtained to execute simulation based on real data.

The simulator, reading instance file, need to retrieve data aboout specific situation to simulate. This data are requested through ConfigurationRequests, composed of FunctionRequests, to data loader.

Each agent, during simulation, execute different load balancing strategies. How this classes are organized is represented in the following picture.



This component analyze simulator output files and calculate indexes used for comparison between different strategies.

Main index calculated are:

1) Success rate. Percentage of requests managed with success by the system, applaying a specific load balancing technique.

2) Success rate during stress period. Percentage of requests managed with success by the system, applaying a specific load balancing technique, when the load is higher.

3) reject number. Number of rejected request by the system.

This script export a CSV file containing mean, variance, median, sum and 90% percentile of this index. It also export comparison simulation graph that compares success rates of different startegies during simulation (see figure below).


Database Manager and Experiment database Manager

This component is used by the simulator, through the data loader to obtain data stored in the database. This module (under the folder database_manager) is composed by a super-class (DbManager) that manager connection to SQLlite database, and a sub-class (ExpDbManager) that manage data access and loading. Data loader component, uses the ExpDbManager interface to load, select and insert data.

The database contains data gathered by the experiment, reported in data folder.

The restructured ER diagram of the database is reported below.


Configuration Manager

This utility class (configuration/configuration_manager.py) contains all paramter, variables, strategy names, and settings of simulator.

Implemented Strategies

During simulation are executed all load balancing strategies defined in behaviour module, and added in configuration/configuration_manager.py class.

The implemented strategies are:

All of them strategies returns as output a set of weights for each overloaded function from each agent towards others (all available in behaviour moduole).

How to add other strategies

To add a new strategy it is only necessary create a new file in behaviour module, and the new class must implement the behaviour/strategy.py “interface”. New class must implement run method and return a dictionary containing forwarding weights.

It is also necessary add new strategy name in configuration/configuration_manager.py file and add method for strategy creation in factory/strategy_factory.py class.

How to executed a simulation

For execute a simulation using simulation controller as entry point, first move on simulation folder from the project root.

cd simulation

After that, type and execute the following command:

python simulation_controller.py --nodesnum [integer number] --edgeprob [float probability between 0 and 1] --seed [integer number]


python simulation_controller.py --nodesnum 10 --edgeprob 0.3 --seed 701 
python simulation_controller.py --instance "[filename].json" 

It is also possible to execute single scripts:

python instance_generator.py --nodesnum 5 --edgeprob 0.3 --seed 711 
python simulation.py
python analyzer.py