
Decentralized FaaS platform

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Multiple VMs Environment

This environment has been exploited to execute some comparison tests beetween the old load balancing strategy adopted by the DFaaS Agent, and the newly implemented Node Margin Strategy.
It consists of three DFaaS nodes, called “Node Light” (2 CPU, 8 GB RAM), “Node Mid” (4 CPU, 16 GB RAM) and “Node Heavy” (6 CPU, 24 GB RAM), and an “Operator” node which automatically deploys functions on other nodes and starts load tests. The technical specifications of the three DFaaS nodes correspond to the specifications of the three nodes types on which the predictive models exploited by the Node Margin Strategy have been trained.
To deploy this environment you need three VMs with the specifications reported above, and antoher VM for the Operator.

Setup and deploy the environment

Install Ansible, an agentless automation tool that you install on a single host, referred to as the control node.
Then, using the setup_playbook.yaml file, your Ansible control node can setup the environment to execute DFaaS on the managed node(s) specified in an inventory file.

Run the ansible-playbook command on the control node using an inventory file configured like inventory_example.yaml, to execute the tasks specified in the playbook with the following options:

-i : path to an inventory file
--extra-vars : to specify the Sysbox version and shiftfs branch to be installed
--tags : to specify steps of the playbook to be executed

The following command assumes you are using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with kernel version 5.4.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml setup_playbook.yaml --extra-vars "sysbox_ver=0.5.2 shiftfs_ver=k5.4" --tags "installation, deploy, start"

Tags have the following meaning:

Executed tests

The results contained in tests_results directory are referred to the executed experiments described below.

Node Margin Strategy thresholds

Node Light:

Node Mid:

Node Heavy:

First test

Static Strategy maxrates


Second test

Static Strategy maxrates



Third test

Static Strategy maxrates
