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Version: 1.0.0


Transformation plugins allow to modify table data by applying Transformations to the data. Each plugin is applied to individual columns and enables the user to modify a column while leaving the rest of the table unchanged. Alternatively, it enables to add a new column based on an existing one.

General Guidelines

  1. Isolation: Each plugin should operate independently and not interfere with other plugins or the core functionality of MantisTable UI.
  2. Configuration: Plugins should allow configuration through environment variables or configuration files.
  3. Documentation: Provide clear documentation for each plugin, including usage instructions, dependencies, and configuration options.

Transformation Plugin Example



### Read Annotated Table
file_path = f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/input.json"
file_open = open(file_path, encoding="utf-8")
data = json.load(file_open)


# Write output on output.html
with open(f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/output/transform.json", 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
json.dump({"new_column": new_column}, f)


"type": "transform",
"output": "transform.json",
"entry_file": "",
"name": "uppercase",
"description": "Transform plugin",
"column_type": "STRING" // "STRING" | "DATETIME" | "TIME" | "EMAIL" | "URL" | "FLOAT" | "INTEGER" | "DATE"

The entry file is specified by the entry_file field in the config.json file and it represents the entry point of the plugin, as it is the file that is executed to apply the plugin. Once the plugin is selected, the annotated table (defined in the output of the STI sytem ~ External STI Approach) is injected in the input.json file. Then, the entry_file is applied using the subprocess module in python and, finally, the output is read in the file defined by the config.json using the output field (usually defined as output.html) in the root folder. For this reason it is very important to use the following structure to identify the correct file path in the plugin:

table_input_path = f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/input.json" # input table
output_file_path = f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/output/transform.json" # output html

The plugin is executed on an isolated environment, so you can't install your own libraries but some are already installed:


Using Plugins in MantisTable UI

  1. Install the Plugin:

    • Place the plugin files in the appropriate directory as specified in the configuration file.
    • Ensure all dependencies are installed and properly configured.
  2. Configure the Plugin:

    • Update the config.json file with the necessary configuration parameters.
  3. Access Plugin Functionality:

    • Export plugins can be accessed through the export menu in the UI.
    • Add-on plugins are typically accessed through semantic processing options.
    • Transformation plugins can be applied through the data transformation tools in the UI.

Plugin already available


    The uppercase plugin has been added to have a simple example on how plugins work in MantisTable UI. This plugin works with STRING only columns and converts each cell's text to uppercase text.


The reverse_geocoding plugin works with GEOCOODING columns by converting geocoordinates to complete addresses. It uses Open Street Map API to obtain the corresponding address of the geocoordinates.