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Version: 2.0.0

3. Process the dumps

To process a single dump run:

python [DUMP_FILE]

or as an alternative process the dumps in parallel setting NPROC in and then running it:


Note that there is a constant ENABLE_EXTERNAL_CONTEXT which allows to keep the WikiPedia external context coming from the dumps, it defaults to false due to the large size of the data which it generates.

Once finished (it requires several hours even if executed in parallel) you should see a folder named wiki_tables containing, for each dump, several files named diz_[wiki_id].jzon.gz containing the information extracted from the dump for each wikipedia page, that contains at least one table.

The output of this first phase is a json file for each dump containing some statistics like this:

"tot_pages": 25507,
"tot_tab": 3215,
"tot_linked_tab": 2582,
"keep_tab": 1415,
"keep_rows": 30923,
"keep_cols": 8898

And many json dictionaries containing the tables, similar to the following example:

"wiki_id": "20460918", "title": "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! (British TV series) series 4", "tables": {"CW2LAZVR": {"caption": "None", "header": [["Celebrity", "Famous for", "Status"]], "cells": [["Celebrity", "", "Famous for", "", "Status", ""], ["'''[[Joe Pasquale]]'''", "Joe_Pasquale", "'''Comedian'''", "", "'''Winner'''<br><small>'''on 6 December 2004'''</small>", ""], ["[[Paul Burrell]]", "Paul_Burrell", "[[British Royal Household|Royal Household]] servant", "", "Runner-up<br/><small>on 6 December 2004</small>", ""], ["[[Fran Cosgrave]]", "Fran_Cosgrave", "Celebrity nightclub manager", "", "Eliminated 7th<br/><small>on 6 December 2004</small>", ""], ["[[Janet Street-Porter]]", "Janet_Street-Porter", "Broadcaster & journalist", "", "Eliminated 6th<br/><small>on 5 December 2004</small>", ""], ["[[Sophie Anderton]]", "Sophie_Anderton", "Model", "", "Eliminated 5th<br/><small>on 3 December 2004</small>", ""], ["[[Antonio Fargas]]", "Antonio_Fargas", "''[[Starsky & Hutch]]'' actor", "", "Eliminated 4th<br/><small>on 2 December 2004</small>", ""], ["[[Sheila Ferguson]]", "Sheila_Ferguson", "[[The Three Degrees]] singer", "", "Eliminated 3rd<br/><small>on 1 December 2004</small>", ""], ["[[Vic Reeves]]", "Vic_Reeves", "[[Vic and Bob]] comedian", "", "Eliminated 2nd<br/><small>on 30 November 2004</small>", ""], ["[[Nancy Sorrell]]", "Nancy_Sorrell", "Model & wife of [[Vic Reeves]]", "", "Eliminated 1st<br/><small>on 29 November 2004</small>", ""], ["[[Natalie Appleton]]", "Natalie_Appleton", "Former [[All Saints (group)|All Saints]] singer", "", "Withdrew<br/><small>on 29 November 2004</small>", ""], ["[[Brian Harvey (singer)|Brian Harvey]]", "Brian_Harvey_(singer)", "Former [[East 17]] lead singer", "", "Withdrew<br/><small>on 26 November 2004</small>", ""]], "link": [["", "", ""], ["Joe_Pasquale", "", ""], ["Paul_Burrell", "", ""], ["Fran_Cosgrave", "", ""], ["Janet_Street-Porter", "", ""], ["Sophie_Anderton", "", ""], ["Antonio_Fargas", "", ""], ["Sheila_Ferguson", "", ""], ["Vic_Reeves", "", ""], ["Nancy_Sorrell", "", ""], ["Natalie_Appleton", "", ""], ["Brian_Harvey_(singer)", "", ""]], "text": [["Celebrity", "Famous for", "Status"], ["Joe Pasquale", "Comedian", "Winner on 6 December 2004"], ["Paul Burrell", "Royal Household servant", "Runner-up on 6 December 2004"], ["Fran Cosgrave", "Celebrity nightclub manager", "Eliminated 7th on 6 December 2004"], ["Janet Street-Porter", "Broadcaster & journalist", "Eliminated 6th on 5 December 2004"], ["Sophie Anderton", "Model", "Eliminated 5th on 3 December 2004"], ["Antonio Fargas", "Starsky & Hutch actor", "Eliminated 4th on 2 December 2004"], ["Sheila Ferguson", "The Three Degrees singer", "Eliminated 3rd on 1 December 2004"], ["Vic Reeves", "Vic and Bob comedian", "Eliminated 2nd on 30 November 2004"], ["Nancy Sorrell", "Model & wife of Vic Reeves", "Eliminated 1st on 29 November 2004"], ["Natalie Appleton", "Former All Saints singer", "Withdrew on 29 November 2004"], ["Brian Harvey", "Former East 17 lead singer", "Withdrew on 26 November 2004"]], "target_col": [0]}, "KFDLBZPH": {"caption": "None", "header": [["Celebrity", "Number of Stars Earned", "Percentage"]], "cells": [["Celebrity", "", "Number of Stars Earned", "", "Percentage", ""], ["[[Antonio Fargas]]", "Antonio_Fargas", "{{Rating|8|17}}", "", "47%", ""], ["[[Brian Harvey (singer)|Brian Harvey]]", "Brian_Harvey_(singer)", "{{Rating|2|10}}", "", "20%", ""], ["[[Fran Cosgrave]]", "Fran_Cosgrave", "{{Rating|18|29}}", "", "62%", ""], ["[[Janet Street Porter]]", "Janet_Street_Porter", "{{Rating|12|19}}", "", "63%", ""], ["[[Joe Pasquale]]", "Joe_Pasquale", "{{Rating|15|22}}", "", "68%", ""], ["[[Nancy Sorrell]]", "Nancy_Sorrell", "{{n/a}}", "", "{{n/a}}", ""], ["[[Natalie Appleton]]", "Natalie_Appleton", "{{Rating|15|41}}", "", "37%", ""], ["[[Paul Burrell]]", "Paul_Burrell", "{{Rating|18|24}}", "", "75%", ""], ["[[Sheila Ferguson]]", "Sheila_Ferguson", "{{Rating|6|9}}", "", "67%", ""], ["[[Sophie Anderton]]", "Sophie_Anderton", "{{Rating|8|15}}", "", "53%", ""], ["[[Vic Reeves]]", "Vic_Reeves", "{{n/a}}", "", "{{n/a}}", ""]], "link": [["", "", ""], ["Antonio_Fargas", "", ""], ["Brian_Harvey_(singer)", "", ""], ["Fran_Cosgrave", "", ""], ["Janet_Street_Porter", "", ""], ["Joe_Pasquale", "", ""], ["Nancy_Sorrell", "", ""], ["Natalie_Appleton", "", ""], ["Paul_Burrell", "", ""], ["Sheila_Ferguson", "", ""], ["Sophie_Anderton", "", ""], ["Vic_Reeves", "", ""]], "text": [["Celebrity", "Number of Stars Earned", "Percentage"], ["Antonio Fargas", "", "47%"], ["Brian Harvey", "", "20%"], ["Fran Cosgrave", "", "62%"], ["Janet Street Porter", "", "63%"], ["Joe Pasquale", "", "68%"], ["Nancy Sorrell", "", ""], ["Natalie Appleton", "", "37%"], ["Paul Burrell", "", "75%"], ["Sheila Ferguson", "", "67%"], ["Sophie Anderton", "", "53%"], ["Vic Reeves", "", ""]], "target_col": [0]}}}