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Version: 2.0.0

6. Enrich the dump with wikidata IDs

This scripts requires some pickle files to work (see section Auxiliary files). This scripts gets the wikidata entities corresponding to wikipedia links and add columns types and it detects which mentions are NIL.

LamAPI is used to easily access Wikidata and DBpedia data.

Modify the environment variables according to your LAMAPI instance.

then run:

python wiki_tables_filtered [dump] wiki_tables_enriched

or in parallel

bash # edit NPROC

Once finished you should see a folder named wiki_tables_enriched containing json dictionaries and json files for each dump containing some stats like for example:

"tot_cells": 153918,
"tot_linked_cell": 34681,
"entities_found": 27475,
"entities_not_found": 7206,
"types_found": 27003,
"types_not_found": 7678,
"filtered_types": 28,
"found_perfect_types": 763,
"tot_cols": 2924

The following examples allow to further understand how LamAPI helps the creation of the dataset.

For example when an array like this is passed to LamAPI ("entities_list")

['Great_Arm_River', 'Watt_Mountain', "'Snaz", '1983–84_United_States_network_television_schedule', 'Brands_Hatch',...]

A sorted list of Q-Ids is returned (entities_diz)

{"'Snaz": 'Q1937538', '...First_Do_No_Harm': 'Q1545282', '0-4-2': 'Q2806492', '0-4-4T': 'Q3077673', '0-6-0': 'Q2922269', '1._FC_Haßfurt': 'Q162241', '1._FC_Köln': 'Q104770', '1._FC_Köln_II': 'Q15972883', '1._FC_Normannia_Gmünd': 'Q162349', ...}

This dictionary is stored in entities_dictionaries/entities_diz_<dumpname>.json.

While when an array of types is sent (types_list):

['Q327143', 'Q865720', 'Q3305593', 'Q1000028', ... ]

Which in human readable lables correspondes to:

['Jean Rabasse', 'Borussia Dortmund II', 'Anxo Quintana', 'The Money-Maker Recipe', ... ]

The result is like this (types_diz):

{'Q100': ['Q1549591', 'Q21518270', 'Q1093829', 'Q62049'], 'Q1000028': ['Q5398426', 'Q1366112'], 'Q1000341': ['Q515'],...}

Which can be read as:

"Boston": [
"big city",
"state or insular area capital of the United States",
"city in the United States",
"county seat"
"The Money-Maker Recipe": ["television series", "drama television series"],
"Ilo": ["city"]