
First author
Data Preparation
Subject Detection
Column Analysis
Type Annotation
Predicate Annotation
Datatype Annotation
Entity Linking
NIL Annotation
Code Availability
Type of table
Knowledge Graph
Output Format
Checked by author
2023ZhangTableLlama: Towards Open Large Generalist Models for TablesarXivTableLlamasupLLama 2independent
noneTURL DatasetMITWikidata
2023LiTable-GPT: Table-tuned GPT for Diverse Table TasksarXivTable-GPTsupGPT-3.5independent
noneTURL DatasetNotSpecifiedEfthymiou, Limaye, Sherlock, T2D
2022AbdelmageedJenTab: Do CTA solutions affect the entire scores?KGCJenTabunsupfeaturesindependent
noneSemTab2020Apache 2.0CSVDBpedia,WikidataCEA,CTA,CPA
2022ChenLinkingPark: An automatic semantic table interpretation systemJOWSLinkingParkunsupfeaturesindependent
noneSemTab2021MITCSVDBpedia,Wikidata - ElasticSearchCEA,CTA,CPA
2022Cremaschis-elBat: a Semantic Interpretation Approach for Messy taBle-sSemTabs-Elbatunsupfeaturesindependent
noneSemtab2022Apache 2.0CSV,JSONDBpedia,Wikidata - LamapiCEA,CTA,CPA
2022DengTURL: Table Understanding through Representation LearningSIGMODTURLsupBERTindependent
noneT2D, WikiGSApache 2.0web tablesFreebase, Wikidata, DBpediaCTA,CPA,CEA
2022GottschalkTab2KG: Semantic table interpretation with lightweight semantic profilesSWJTab2KGsupSiamese networkindependent
noneDatasets on github, subsets of DBpedia and schema.orgMITCSVDBpedia, Schema.orgData graph which represents the content of the table (TURTLE)
2022HuynhFrom Heuristics to Language Models: A Journey Through the Universe of Semantic Table Interpretation with DAGOBAHSemTabDAGOBAH SL2022hybridHeuristics + Transformer-based embeddingsindependent
Fully-automatedsemtab 2022OrangeCSVDBpedia,Wikidata, - ElasticSearchCTA,CPA,CEA
2022LiuRadar Station: Using KG Embeddings for Semantic Table Interpretation and Entity DisambiguationISWCRadar StationhybridHeuristics + KG Embeddingindependent
noneT2D, Limaye, Tough Tables, ShortTablesOrangeCSV, TXT, XLSXWikidata
2022SuharaAnnotating Columns with Pre-trained Language ModelsSIGMODDoduosupBERTindependent
noneWikiTable, VizNetApache 2.0Freebase,DBpedia
2021AbdelmageedJenTab Meets SemTab 2021’s New ChallengesSemTabJenTabunsupfeaturesindependent
noneSemTab2021Apache 2.0CSVDBpedia,WikidataCEA,CTA,CPA
2021AbdelmageedJenTab: A Toolkit for Semantic Table AnnotationsKGCJenTabunsupfeaturesindependent
noneSemTab2020Apache 2.0CSVDBpedia,WikidataCEA,CTA,CPA
2021AvogadroMantisTable V: a novel and efficient approach to Semantic Table InterpretationSemTabMantisTable Vunsupfeaturesindependent
noneSemtab2021Apache 2.0DBpedia,Wikidata - LamapiCEA,CTA,CPA
2021BaazouziKepler-aSI at SemTab 2021SemTabKEPLER-ASIunsupfeaturesindependent
2021HeistInformation Extraction From Co-Occurring Similar EntitiesWWWCaLiGraph extraction frameworkhybriddistant supervision + rule miningindependent
noneGPL 3.0web tablesCaliGraph,DBpedia,YagoRDF assertions
2021HuynhDAGOBAH: Table and Graph Contexts for Efficient Semantic Annotation of Tabular DataSemTabDAGOBAH SL 2021hybridfeatures + embeddings, Matchingindependent
Fully-automatedSemTab2021OrangeCSV, TXT, XLSXDBpedia,Wikidata - ElasticSearchJSON
2021NguyenSemTab 2021: Tabular Data Annotation with MTab ToolSemTabMTabunsupfeaturesindependent
Fully-automatedSemTab2021MITCSVDBpedia,Wikidata - Custom BM25CEA,CTA,CPA
2021SteenwinckelMAGIC: Mining an Augmented Graph using INK, starting from a CSVSemTabMAGIChybridINK, lookupindependent
noneSemTab2021imecCSVWikidata - CEA,CTA,CPA
2021WangTCN: Table Convolutional Network for Web Table InterpretationWWWTCNsupTransformerindependent
nonecustom dataset music domainNotSpecified
2021YangGBMTab: A Graph-Based Method for Interpreting Noisy Semantic Table to Knowledge GraphSemTabGBMTabsupPGMindependent
2021ZhouTabular Data Concept Type Detection Using Star-TransformersCIKMsupStar-Transformersindependent
nonecustom datasetNotSpecified
2020AbdelmageedJenTab: Matching Tabular Data to Knowledge GraphsSemTabJenTabunsupfeaturesindependent
2020AzziAMALGAM: making tabular dataset explicit with knowledge graphSemTabAMALGAMunsupfeaturesindependent
2020BaazouziKepler-aSI : Kepler as A Semantic InterpreterSemTabKEPLER-ASIunsupfeaturesindependent
2020ChenLinkingPark: An Integrated Approach for Semantic Table InterpretationSemTabLinkingParkunsupfeaturesindependent
noneSemtab2020NotSpecifiedCSVWikidata - ElasticSearchCEA,CTA,CPA
2020CremaschiA fully automated approach to a complete Semantic Table InterpretationFGCSMantisTableunsupfeaturesindependent
Fully-automatedSemtab2019, T2D, LimayeApache 2.0CSVDBpediaCEA,CTA,CPA
2020CremaschiMantisTable SE: an Efficient Approach for the Semantic Table InterpretationSemTabMantisTable SEunsupfeaturesindependent
noneSemtab2020Apache 2.0CSVDBpedia,Wikidata - LamAPICEA,CTA,CPA
2020EslahiAnnotating Web Tables through Knowledge Bases: A Context-Based ApproachSDShybridfeatures & embeddingsindependent
Limaye, T2DNotSpecifiedWeb tableWikidata
2020GuoWeb Table Column Type Detection Using Deep Learning and Probability Graph ModelWISAsupNeural Network + CRFindependent
noneT2D, LimayeNotSpecified
2020HuynhDAGOBAH: Enhanced Scoring Algorithms for Scalable Annotations of Tabular DataSemTabDAGOBAH SL 2020hybridfeatures + embeddings, matchingindependent
noneSemtab2020NotSpecifiedCSVWikidata - Spark dataframes
2020KhuranaSemantic Annotation for Tabular DataCIKMsupMaximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) through ensemblesindependent
noneLimaye, Semantification, SemTab rounds from 1 to 4, T2Dv2, ISWC17NotSpecified
2020KimGenerating Conceptual Subgraph from Tabular Data for Knowledge Graph MatchingSemTabSSLunsupfeaturesindependent
2020LiDeep Entity Matching with Pre-Trained Language ModelsVLDBDittosupBERT, DistilBERT, RoBERTa, XLNetindependent
noneEntity Resolution benchmark, the Magellan dataset, WDC product matching datasetApache 2.0
2020NguyenMTab4Wikidata at SemTab 2020: Tabular Data Annotation with WikidataSemTabMtab4Wikidataunsupfeaturesindependent
noneSemtab2020NotSpecifiedCSVWikidata - HashTable + Sparse MatrixCEA,CTA,CPA
2020Shigapovbbw: Matching CSV to Wikidata via Meta-lookupSemTabbbw (boosted by wiki)unsupfeaturesindependent
noneSemtab2020MITCSVWikidata - SeerX metasearch APICEA,CTA,CPA
2020TyagiLexMa: Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching using Lexical TechniquesSemTabLexMaunsuplookupindependent
2020YumusakKnowledge graph matching with inter-service information transferSemTabTeamTRunsupfeaturesindependent
2020ZhangNovel Entity Discovery from Web TablesWWWsuplexical + semantic featuresindependent
noneT2D, W2D, T2Dv2CCA 4.0CSVDBpedia
2019ChabotDAGOBAH: An End-to-End Context-Free Tabular Data Semantic Annotation SystemSemTabDAGOBAHhybridRule Base & Embeddingsindependent
2019ChenColNet: Embedding the Semantics of Web Tables for Column Type PredictionAAAIColNethybridCNNindependent
noneThe method is evaluated with DBpedia and two different web table datasets, T2Dv2 from the general Web and Limaye from Wikipedia pagesApache 2.0TablesDBpediaNE and entity linking
2019ChenLearning Semantic Annotations for Tabular DataIJCAIColNetunsupCNNindependent
noneT2D, Limaye, EfthymiouApache 2.0TablesDBpedia
2019CremaschiMantisTable: an Automatic Approach for the Semantic Table InterpretationSemTabMantisTableunsupfeaturesindependent
Fully-automatedChallenge roundsApache 2.0
2019HulsebosSherlock: A Deep Learning Approach to Semantic Data Type DetectionSIGKDDSherlocksupNeural networkindependent
2019KruitExtracting Novel Facts from Tables for Knowledge Graph CompletionISWCTAKCOhybridPGM + featuresindependent
noneT2Dv2, WebarooMITTablesDBpedia,WikidataNew facts to complete KGs
2019MorikawaSemantic Table Interpretation using LOD4ALLSemTabLOD4ALLunsupfeaturesindependent
noneSemTab2019NotSpecifiedTablesDBpedia - ElasticSearchCEA,CTA,CPA
2019NguyenMTab: Matching Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph using Probability ModelsSemTabMTabunsupfeaturesindependent
noneSemTab2019NotSpecifiedvertical relational table.DBpediaCEA,CTA,CPA
2019OliveiraADOG - Annotating Data with Ontologies and GraphsSemTabADOGunsupfeaturesindependent
noneNotSpecifiedontology, KG and TableDBpedia - ArangoDB + ElasticSearchCEA,CTA,CPA
2019SteenwinckelCSV2KG: Transforming Tabular Data into Semantic KnowledgeSemTabCSV2KGunsuplookupindependent
2019TakeokaMeimei: An Efficient Probabilistic Approach for Semantically Annotating TablesAAAImeimeisupMarkov Networkindependent
nonePrivate company datasetNotSpecifiedCSVWordNet
2019ThawaniEntity Linking to Knowledge Graphs to Infer Column Types and PropertiesSemTabunsupfeaturesindependent
2019ZhangSato: Contextual Semantic Type Detection in TablesVLDBSatosupmulti-layer NN + LDA topic modelingindependent
noneT2Dv2Apache 2.0DBpedia
2018KacprzakMaking Sense of Numerical Data - Semantic Labelling of Web TablesEKAWNUMERunsupfeaturesindependent
2018LuoCross-Lingual Entity Linking for Web TablesAAAIsupneural networkindependent
2018ZhangAd Hoc Table Retrieval using Semantic SimilarityWWWSTRunsupneural networkindependent
2017EfthymiouMatching Web Tables with Knowledge Base Entities: From Entity Lookups to Entity EmbeddingsISWChybridHybridindependent
noneTD2, Limaye, Wikipedia (a GS constructed by the authors created by extracting the hyperlinks of existing Wikipedia tables to Wikipedia pages, which we have replaced with annotations to the corresponding entities from the October 2015 version of DBpedia.) Since the header rows in Wikipedia tables are not linked to properties, our gold standard does not contain schema-level mappings.NotSpecifiedWeb tablesJSON
2017EllTowards a Large Corpus of Richly Annotated Web Tables for Knowledge Base PopulationLD4IEThis paper is not about an apporach rather than on proposing techniques or hypothesis about the tables in order to improve STI approaches performanceunsuplookupindependent
noneWDC Web Table Corpus 2015Apache 2.0Web TablesDBpedia - Labels + literals
2017ZhangEffective and Efficient Semantic Table Interpretation using TableMiner+JOWSTableMiner+unsupprobabilistic featuresindependent
noneFor evaluation, we compiled and annotated four datasets using Freebase: Limaye200, LimayeAll, IMDB and MusicBrainz.Apache 2.0Web tablesFreebase - rdf graph
2016ErmilovTAIPAN: Automatic Property Mapping for Tabular DataEKAWTAIPANunsuppatternindependent
noneImproved T2DGPL 3.0Not specified, they mention only tables. DBpedia Table Dataset (DBD)DBpedia
2016NeumaierMulti-level semantic labelling of numerical valuesISWCsupHierarchical clustering (BKG)independent
noneby splitting the DBpedia data into a test and training dataset.Apache 2.0CSVDBpedia
2016PhamSemantic labeling: A domain-independent approachISWCDSL(Domain-independent SemanticLabeler)supLogistic RegressionindependentMusum, city, soccer, weather
noneT2DApache 2.0The input of our system is an unlabeled attribute and a set of labeled attributes as domain data.The output is a set of top-k semantic types corresponding to the unlabeled attribute.
2016TaheriyanLearning the semantics of structured data sourcesJOWSKarmasupCosine similarity + statistical hypothesisdependentmuseum
Fully-automatedMuseum data, eventhough they say that the use some tables of museum data from the gold standard it does not mention which GS they use. The link to the datasets 2.0XML files and JSON files. They can also import the domain ontologies they want to use for modeling the data. The system then automatically suggests a semantic model for the loaded source.CIDOC-CRM,EDMRDF
2016TaheriyanLeveraging Linked Data to Discover Semantic Relations within Data SourcesISWCKarmasuppatternindependent
Fully-automatedApache 2.0CSV, XML and JSONCIDOC-CRMa semantic model expressing how the assigned labels are connected
2015BhagavatulaTabEL: Entity Linking in Web TablesISWCTabELsupMarkov Networkindependent
noneTabELCCA 4.0Web table (XML)Yago
2015RamnandanAssigning Semantic Labels to Data SourcesESWCSemanticTypersupCRFindependent
Semi-automatedwe used data from the museum domain consisting of 29 data sources in diverse formats from various art museums in the U.S. Semantic labelsApache 2.0CSVtraining data with Lucene, not KG data
2015RitzeMatching HTML Tables to DBpediaWIMST2K Matchunsupfeatureindependent
noneT2DApache 2.0Web Table (HTML)DBpedia
2014SekhavatKnowledge Base Augmentation using Tabular DataLDOWunsupprobabilistic modelindependent
noneClueWeb09 datasetNotSpecifiedYago
2014TaheriyanA Scalable Approach to Learn Semantic Models of Structured SourcesIEEEunsupfeaturesindependent
Semi-automatedWe evaluated our approach on a dataset of 29 museum data sourcesNotSpecifiedMultiple sources modeled using the EDM, AAC, SKOS, Dublin Core Metadata Terms, FOAF, ORE, and ElementsGr2 ontologies
2013BucheFuzzy Web Data Tables Integration Guided by an Ontological and Terminological ResourceIEEEONDINEunsuplookupindependentmicrobial risk, chemical risk, aeronautics
noneCustom, 90 tablesNotSpecifiedDomain specific web tablesXML documents representing data tables; RDF annotations
2013CruzGIVA: A Semantic Framework for Geospatial and Temporal Data Integration, Visualization, and AnalyticsSIGSPATIALGivasupAgreementMakerdependent
noneNotSpecifiedGML, KML, Shapefile, MapInfo TAB, HTML table
2013DengScalable Column Concept Determination for Web Tables Using Large Knowledge BasesVLDBlookupunsupindependent
2013ErmilovUser-driven Semantic Mapping of Tabular DataI-SEMANTICSpatternindependent
Semi-automatedNotSpecifiedCSV, TSV, XLS, XLSXRDF
2013MulwadSemantic Message Passing for Generating Linked Data from TablesISWCsupMarkov Networkindependent
noneWeb Manual, Web Relation, Wiki Manual, Wiki LinksNotSpecifiedWeb and Wikipedia HTML tablesDBpedia,Yago,WikitologyRDF
2013MunozTriplifying Wikipedia's TablesLD4IEunsupexact matchindependent
noneThey extract 250 triples from the set and manually annotate them to produce a GS to test the approach on.NotSpecifiedWikipedia tablesDBpediaRDF
2013QuerciniEntity Discovery and Annotation in TablesEDBTunsuplookupindependent
noneNotSpecifiedGoogle Fusion TablesDBpedia
2013ZhangInfoGather+: Semantic Matching and Annotation of Numeric and Time-Varying Attributes in Web TablesSIGMODInfoGather+unsupfeaturesindependent
Semi-automatedExperiments conducted on three real-life datasets of web tables,extracted from a recent snapshot of Microsoft Bing search engineNotSpecifiedEAB (entity-attribute binary relationships) HTML Web tables
2013ZwicklbauerTowards Disambiguating Web TablesISWCunsupfeaturesindependent
noneSubset of LimayeNotSpecifiedDBpedia
2012GoelExploiting Structure within Data for Accurate Labeling using Conditional Random FieldsICAIsupCRFdependentWeather forecast, flight status and geocoding
noneNotSpecifiedWeb tables
2012KnoblockSemi-automatically Mapping Structured Sources into the Semantic WebESWCKarmasupCRFindependent
Semi-automatedApache 2.0Data sources Ontologies Semantic Types (training dataset)Personal ontologiesSource model (used to generate RDF)
2012PimplikarAnswering Table Queries on the Web using Column KeywordsVLDBunsupprobabilistic graphical modelindependent
noneNotSpecifiedHTML tables
2012WangUnderstanding Tables on the WebERunsuppattern matchingindependent
noneCustom, 200 wikipedia tablesNotSpecifiedHTML tables
2011MulwadAutomatically Generating Government Linked Data from TablesAAAIsupMarkov Network + PGMindependent
Semi-automatedCustom GS, 15 tablesNotSpecifiedCSV, XMLDBpedia,Freebase,WordNet,YagoN3
2011VenetisRecovering Semantics of Tables on the WebVLDBunsuplookupindependent
Semi-automatedCustom GSNotSpecifiedHTML tablesYago
2010LimayeAnnotating and Searching Web Tables Using Entities, Types and RelationshipsVLDBunsupfeaturesindependent
Fully-automatedNotSpecifiedWeb TableYago
2010MulwadT2LD: Interpreting and Representing Tables as Linked Data⋆ISWCT2LDsupSVMindependent
noneNotSpecifiedWeb tablesWikitologyN3
2010SyedExploting a Web of Semantic Data for Interpreting TablesWSCWikitologyunsuplookupindependent
noneNotSpecifiedWikipedia tablesWikitology - Lucene for concepts
2009HignetteFuzzy Annotation of Web Data Tables Driven by a Domain OntologyESWCunsupsimilarityindependent
noneNotSpecifiedWeb table (XML)Personal ontologiesRDF
2009TaoAutomatic hidden-web table interpretation, conceptualization, and semantic annotationDKETISP ++ (Table Interpretation with Sibling Pages)unsuppatternindependent
noneNotSpecifiedHTML tablesPersonal ontologiesRDF
2007HignetteAn Ontology-Driven Annotation of Data TablesWISEunsuppatternindependent
noneNotSpecifiedweb tablePersonal ontologies